Grocery Stores in the Daytime
It's weird being off during the summer...I find myself going to the grocery store in the middle of the day. Mostly, there are a few distinct types of people at the Kroger at 1 pm on a Monday...basically stay at home moms, unemployed people, people who work the night shift, and...crazy old people.
Crazy old people, especially crazy old ladies, are so sad to watch...God, please don't let it happen to me. They have no one to talk to at home and maybe their kids don't come to visit them or something, I'm not sure.
They get into these long conversations with the checker or they just wander the aisles for hours clutching their coupons. Oh god, I just can't handle it.
Conversation the little old lady in front of me at the check out line had with the young, male cashier who clearly did not give a damn:
LOL (Little Old Lady): Well, it sure is hot out.
Cashier: Yeah.
LOL: I don't like the summer. I stay inside all summer long.
Cashier: Yeah.
LOL: See, I have very fair skin, so I have to stay in.
Cashier: Uh huh, yeah.
LOL: I like the fall and winter though.
OH MY GOD. Seriously, it's going to happen to me...because even though I'm friendly deep down I mostly don't like other people, and I'm going to end up some crazy old lady all alone who has alienated everyone she knows, just wandering the Kroger talking to herself.