Little House on the Prairie...Can I Get a Witness?
Hey ladies, all the ladies...who's into Little House? I'm talking the books, not the television series. Fine if you were into the TV series, but I'm talking the BOOKS.
I've read them all. I still have the series my mom bought me at a garage sale for $5. All 8 books in the series for like $5. Last Christmas, my dad built me a little wooden bookcase to hold them all. The collection is among my most prized possessions.
The Little House books make me feel safe, warm, and loved. They transport me to a simpler time. When I was 8, I pretended to be Laura Ingalls Wilder every day of the summer. This included dressing in my mom's old 70's wraparound dresses (magically transformed into dresses made of least in my mind)...then I would go out to fetch water (a.k.a. go to the garden hose).
Yes, I pretended to be Laura Ingallas Wilder while all alone in my backyard and dressed in some von Fursternberg knock-off. Who cares.
I'm kind of drunk right now.
Woop woop Little House!
I read the entire series when I was in the third grade (if memory serves me correctly). I was a SERIOUS bookworm. A nerdy, bookish, fat girl. I am still a nerdy, bookish, fat girl; but somehow that is so much cooler now.
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