It Is Perfectly Legal to Have This Much Fun

Writer/semi-neurotic/retired hipster who loves memoirs, really dark humor, girls with guitars, and beer.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Fat Cats

Kevin is in the living room right now listening to what he describes as "African psychedelic rock from the 1960s." You think I'm kidding? Ha! This is what happens to you when you get's too hard to follow the hip and the now, so you just start getting really, really into world music. Oh well, I'm headed that way myself, probably.

Tonight I drew a little heart on his shoulder with a pen, and then I asked him to draw something on my back. He drew a little bunny rabbit in the middle of the desert, standing next to a cactus and staring out at a sunset. Am I lucky or what?!?!?!

I just looked over at one of our cats. They are disturbingly fat. When they walk, their belly fats just rock back and forth ever so gently. I don't know if it bothers them or not, but I say let the cats be fat. They only have one life to live while we as humans are lucky enough to have Eternal Salvation in Heaven with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, if we follow his way and his word.

Wow, it was weird/crazy to write that. I just wanted to see what it felt like to be an evangelical Christian for a minute...I felt very sure of myself. It was a strange feeling.

No offense to evangelical Christians. Do what floats your boat. Just stay off mine.

That's as political or whatever as I'm going to get on this blog. Tomorrow it's back to Cathy cartoon shit like worrying about my butt in a bathing suit and should I eat this candy bar? Aaack!!!


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